
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “òscar Prieto-Flores” ,找到相关结果约9556条。
Temps educatius i rendiment acadèmic: desigualtats educatives en grups desfavorits The time devoted to education and academic performance: educational inequalities in disadvantaged groups Tiempos educativos y rendimiento académico: Desigualdades educativas en grupos desfavorecidos
Jordi Feu,òscar Prieto-Flores
Temps d'Educació , 2011,
Abstract: L’objectiu d’aquest article és reflexionar sobre les aportacions teòriques i estudis empírics més rellevants en el panorama internacional que relacionen l’èxit educatiu dels estudiants de classes i/o grups desafavorits amb l’ús adequat dels temps educatius que van més enllà de l’horari escolar. Concretament dels temps (i per extensió també dels espais, projectes i actuacions) desenvolupats per la institució escolar pública, per les famílies, per les organitzacions de la societat civil o per l’Administració en general sempre i quan tinguin una intenció educativa explícita i manifesta. També es farà èmfasi especial a l’hora de destacar quin tipus de relacions es produeixen entre aquestes esferes i quins agents les promouen. esmentarem algunes qüestions que formen part del debat actual, però tenim interès a centrar-nos tant en les responsabilitats familiars i escolars com en les dinàmiques de capital social que afecten l’èxit educatiu i que tenen per objectiu crear un projecte educatiu comú (o altament compartit) que va més enllà de l’horari escolar. _____________________________________________ L’objectif de cet article est de réfléchir sur les contributions théoriques ainsi que les études empiriques les plus importantes dans le panorama international qui mettent en rapport le succès éducatif des élèves de classes et/ou les groupes défavorisés avec l’usage adéquat des temps éducatifs qui vont bien au-delà de l’horaire scolaire ; plus concrètement, des temps (et par extension aussi des espaces, des projets et des interventions) développés par l’institution scolaire publique, par les familles, par les organisations de la société civile ou par l’administration en général dans tous les cas où ils ont une intention éducative explicite et manifeste. Il met aussi l’accent sur le type de relations qui se tissent entre ces différentes sphères et sur les agents qui les promeuvent. Nous mentionnons en outre quelques questions qui font partie du débat actuel, mais nous avons choisi de nous centrer aussi bien sur les responsabilités des familles et de l’école que sur les dynamiques de capital social qui affectent la réussite éducative et qui ont pour objectif de créer un projet éducatif commun (ou largement partagé) qui va bien au-delà de l’horaire scolaire. This paper considers the most relevant theoretical and empirical studies at international level that relate the educational success of students in disadvantaged classes and/or groups with the appropriate use of time for education outside of school hours. Specifically, we focus on the time (and, by extension, the sp
Efficiency and equity in Learning Communities and schools
òscar Prieto-Flores,I?aki Santa Cruz
Psychology, Society & Education , 2010,
Abstract: Traditionally, school efficiency has been measured as a functionof educational production. In the last two decades, however, studies in the economics of education have indicated that more is required to improve school efficiency: researchers must explore how significant changes in school organization affect the performance of at-risk students. In this paper we introduce Henry Levin’s adoption of the X-efficiency approach to education and we describe theefficient and cost-effective characteristics of one Learning Communities Project School that significantly improved its student outcomes and enrollment numbers and reduced its absenteeism rate to zero. The organizational change that facilitated these improvements defined specific issues to address. Students’ school success became the focus of the school project, which also offered specific incentives, selected teachers, involved parents and community members in decisions, and used the most efficient technologies and methods. This case analysis reveals new two elements—family training and community involvement—that were not explicit parts of Levin’s adaptation. The case of the Antonio Machado Public School should attract the attention of both social scientists and policy makers.
Self-perceived health status in older adults: regional and sociodemographic inequalities in Spain
Fernandez-Martinez,Beatriz; Prieto-Flores,Maria-Eugenia; Forjaz,Maria Jo?o; Fernández-Mayoralas,Gloria; Rojo-Pérez,Fermina; Martínez-Martín,Pablo;
Revista de Saúde Pública , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S0034-89102012000200013
Abstract: objective: to assess regional and sociodemographic differences in self-perceived health status among older adults. methods: a face-to-face quality of life survey was conducted in a representative sample of the spanish population comprising 1,106 non-institutionalized elderly aged 60 or more in 2008. logistic regression models were used to explain self-perceived health status according to the euroqol group visual analogue scale (eq-vas). independent variables included sociodemographic and health characteristics as well as the nomenclature of territorial units for statistics level 1 (nuts1: group of autonomous regions) and level 2 (nuts 2: autonomous regions). results: younger and better off respondents were more likely to have a positive self-perceived health status. having no chronic conditions, independence in performing daily living activities and lower level of depression were also associated with positive self-perceived health status. people living in the south of spain showed a more negative self-perceived health status than those living in other regions. conclusion: the study results point to health inequality among spanish older adults of lower socioeconomic condition and living in the south of spain. the analysis by geographic units allows for international cross-regional comparisons.
Influencia de los problemas crónicos de salud en las dimensiones del cuestionario EQ-5D: estudio en personas mayores institucionalizadas y no instituzionalizadas
Delgado-Sanz,María Concepción; Prieto-Flores,Maria-Eugenia; Forjaz,Maria Jo?o; Ayala,Alba; Rojo-Perez,Fermina; Fernandez-Mayoralas,Gloria; Martínez-Martín,Pablo; ,;
Revista Espa?ola de Salud Pública , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S1135-57272011000600005
Abstract: background: chronic medical conditions represent risk factors for health related quality of life (hrqol). the aim of this study is to analyze the influence of self-reported chronic health conditions in hrqol, measured through the eq-5d dimensions, in non-institutionalized and institutionalized older adults. methods: data were obtained from two studies of quality of life in population aged 60 years or over, in spain, with a sample of 1,106 community-dwelling adults and 234 residents of care facilities. to analyse the influence of the most prevalent chronic health conditions on hrqol multiple logistic regression models were adjusted using as dependent variable each eq-5d dimension, controlling for socio-demographic variables. results: the chronic health conditions that most influenced the hrqol of both groups were depression (or range in the different eq-5d dimensions: 1.97-6.48), followed by arthrosis/arthritis (or: 2.81-6.00), sleep problems (or: 2.81-4.61), diabetes (or: 1.68-3.44) and hypertension (or: 1.42-2.45). these problems affected differentially the eq-5d dimensions and the two groups considered. pain/discomfort and mobility were the eq-5d dimensions where more difficulties were reported. conclusions: the results of this work indicate that the debilitating effect of chronic health conditions on the hrqol is different for institutionalized and non-institutionalized older adults. they also highlight the importance of promoting healthy ageing to attenuate the negative impact of chronic health conditions on hrqol in old age.
Factores sociodemográficos y de salud en el bienestar emocional como dominio de calidad de vida de las personas mayores en la Comunidad de Madrid: 2005
Prieto-Flores,María Eugenia; Fernández-Mayoralas,Gloria; Rojo-Pérez,Fermina; Lardiés-Bosque,Raúl; Rodríguez-Rodríguez,Vicente; Ahmed-Mohamed,Karim; Rojo-Abuín,José Manuel;
Revista Espa?ola de Salud Pública , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S1135-57272008000300006
Abstract: background: the study of the emotional state and personal coping resources has drawn an increasing interest in the quality of life (qol) field. diverse researches have demonstrated its contribution to satisfaction with life, and the interconnection with other life domains of great importance in ageing, as health is. the aim of this work is to analyze the relationships of emotional wellbeing (in terms of affects and coping resources) with sociodemographic and health factors. methods: a survey on qol among older people living in family housing of madrid province (cadevima-2005) was used. multivariate analyses were applied for generating an indicator of emotional wellbeing which integrated positive and negative affects, as well as personal coping resources. a logistic regression model was created to explain a positive emotional wellbeing, according to sociodemographic and health characteristics. results: people without anxiety or depression problems were around three times more likely to evaluate their emotional wellbeing positively than those who had problems. older adults whose health was better than in the previous 12 months, seemed to be five times more likely to report a high emotional wellbeing, compared to those who experienced a health decline. individuals with a very good perceived health status were 26 times more likely of having a high emotional wellbeing than people with a negative health perception. those with middle and upper social class were three times more likely to experience a positive emotional wellbeing than those belonging to a low social class. conclusions: health greatly influences emotional wellbeing with a relevant role of the subjective experience of health, together with social class as an indicator of educational level and socioeconomic status.
Validación de la Escala de Independencia Funcional
Martínez-Martín,Pablo; Fernández-Mayoralas,Gloria; Frades-Payo,Belén; Rojo-Pérez,Fermina; Petidier,Roberto; Rodríguez-Rodríguez,Vicente; Forjaz,María J.; Prieto-Flores,María Eugenia; Pedro Cuesta,Jesús de;
Gaceta Sanitaria , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S0213-91112009000100010
Abstract: objective: to assess the psychometric quality of an instrument designed to measure functional independence (functional independence scale [fis]) in several activities of daily living domains and to be applied by trained non-health-related interviewers. the study was carried out in the autonomous region of madrid in community-dwelling elders. methods: we performed a cross-sectional validation study. in addition to the fis, pfeiffer's questionnaire, the depression subscale of the hospital anxiety and depression scale, the comorbidity index, the barthel index, and eq-5d were used. these measures were cross-sectionally applied to community-dwelling elders (n=500) and outpatients in a general hospital (n=100) aged ≥65 years. the following fis psychometric attributes were analyzed: acceptability, scaling assumptions, internal consistency, construct validity, and precision. results: a fully computable fis total score was obtained in 94.3% of the subjects. a ceiling effect (60.65%), but no floor effect (0.22%) was evident in the community-dwelling elders. no floor or ceiling effects were detected in the hospital sample. scaling assumptions and internal consistency were satisfactory (item-total correlations: 0.57-0.91; cronbach's alpha: 0.94). factor analysis identified three factors that explained 74.3% of the variance. indexes of convergent, internal, and known-groups validity were satisfactory. the scale's precision, determined by the standard error of measurement (2.49; 95%ci=4.88), was also satisfactory. conclusion: the fis is an easy-to-use instrument with appropriate metric attributes. this scale can be usefully applied in broad samples of non-institutionalized elders by non-health related personnel.
Elena Duque,óscar Prieto
- , 2009,
Abstract: Este artículo resalta las contribuciones que el Aprendizaje Dialógico realiza a la Teoría de la Educación avanzando en la perspectiva de la pedagogía crítica y dando orientaciones para una práctica educativa igualitaria y científica. En él se discuten los siete principios del Aprendizaje Dialógico con algunas perspectivas y prácticas educativas reproductoras, mostrando cómo éstos las superan. También se refleja un diálogo abierto con las contribuciones teóricas críticas de la educación en las que se sustenta el Aprendizaje Dialógico incluyendo tanto autores lejanos en el tiempo pero cercanos en planteamientos –Ferrer i Guàrdia, Vygotsky o Paulo Freire– como autores contemporáneos de la pedagogía crítica. Así mismo, se relaciona cada uno de los principios que se presentan con una lectura crítica de la práctica educativa, destacando los efectos de la aplicación del Aprendizaje Dialógico a través del análisis de proyectos educativos innovadores y críticos que, a su vez, muestran buenos resultados educativos
Elena Duque,óscar Prieto
- , 2009,
Abstract: Este artículo resalta las contribuciones que el Aprendizaje Dialógico realiza a la Teoría de la Educación avanzando en la perspectiva de la pedagogía crítica y dando orientaciones para una práctica educativa igualitaria y científica. En él se discuten los siete principios del Aprendizaje Dialógico con algunas perspectivas y prácticas educativas reproductoras, mostrando cómo éstos las superan. También se refleja un diálogo abierto con las contribuciones teóricas críticas de la educación en las que se sustenta el Aprendizaje Dialógico incluyendo tanto autores lejanos en el tiempo pero cercanos en planteamientos –Ferrer i Guàrdia, Vygotsky o Paulo Freire– como autores contemporáneos de la pedagogía crítica. Así mismo, se relaciona cada uno de los principios que se presentan con una lectura crítica de la práctica educativa, destacando los efectos de la aplicación del Aprendizaje Dialógico a través del análisis de proyectos educativos innovadores y críticos que, a su vez, muestran buenos resultados educativos
Hacia dónde va la ciudad? Apuntes para la construcción de ciudadanía en Barranquilla
Lic. Pamela Flores Prieto
Revista Latina de Comunicación Social , 1999,
Abstract: Las investigaciones de las dos últimas décadas tendientes a esclarecer la problemática de los procesos urbanos han abordado la ciudad desde tina nueva perspectiva que intenta aprehender el fenómeno desde las construcciones simbólicas originadas en el imaginario colectivo de sus habitantes.
Lo vernáculo en la arquitectura y el urbanismo de Camagüey
Adela María García Yero,óscar Diosdado Prieto Herrera
- , 2015,
Abstract: Resumen Camagüey, ciudad que obtuvo en el 2008 la condición de Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad, cuenta con un rico fondo de edificaciones vernáculas, a lo cual se une un peculiar trazado urbano, el empleo de técnicas constructivas tradicionales, la adecuación climática y contextual, donde se combinan tradición, praxis, pragmatismo y raíces culturales. El objetivo del presente trabajo busca profundizar en las características de la arquitectura y el urbanismo vernáculos presentes en Camagüey. Para ello fue empleado un enfoque cuanticualitativo, el método observación y el análisis intratextual. Como principales conclusiones se constató la existencia de una fuerte impronta de lo vernáculo en la ciudad, heredada hasta la actualidad, que abarca sus respuestas urbanas y arquitectónicas, en particular en el repertorio doméstico, pero que resulta extensiva hasta su cementerio

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